Detailed Engineering Services

Our in-house team of engineers and technicians will define in detail all the required information when designing your process plant solution, and will provide you with clear and professional documents.

Upon approval of the basic engineering package, the project moves into the detail-engineering phase, resulting in:

  • Piping and instrumentation diagrams approved for construction
  • Equipment and instrument specifications approved for construction
  • Mechanical drawings
  • 3-D plant model
  • Piping isometrics
  • Plant automation concept

The 3-D plant model can also be reviewed together with the customer. It is also common practice to participate in the customer’s Hazard and Operability study (HAZOP) as part of our engineering services.

We will adapt the contents of the basic engineering according to the chosen scope of supply, ranging from the delivery of key equipment to the provision of a complete skid-mounted unit.

For the delivery of a basic engineering package, including proprietary key equipment, the level of details in the engineering package will enable a qualified and experienced engineering company to proceed with detail engineering, equipment procurement, plant construction and preparation of the final plant operating manuals.

For the delivery of a skid-mounted unit, for which assembly will take place in one of our fabrication workshops, the documentation will focus more on the utilization of the unit.